Adding Products Purchased to Workflow Email

When a purchase is made through the shopping cart, the normal workflow process is triggered and the client receives a workflow but there are no details about the products purchased or the price in it. Does anyone know what needs to be done to add this to the workflow email?

Hi @SiroccoDigital. You could try {{order}} or {{this.order}}, but at last test this object was only outputting to the invoice email, so unless something has changed I don’t think this works yet.

A workaround could be to populate a hidden custom field in your checkout form with the product info you require, then that data will be submitted with the form and available in the regular {{formSubmissionData}} object.

Just tested this and it doesn’t seem that “order” is in the output on this email. I guess it should be the same as in the “invoice” template. Can we add this to the sprint @Anastasia_old along the fields I found mission in the invoice output? :slight_smile:

There is most of the things from the order, name, address etc. but not the order itself with product, price and so on. Maybe the possibility to link directly to the order in the CRM as well? At the moment it is only possible to have the link to the form submission but not the order? :slight_smile:

“Can we add this to the sprint @Anastasia_old along the fields I found mission in the invoice output?” - We added it to this sprint.
We will add to the link directly to the order in the CRM soon.

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@Anastasia and @Violetta.S we are still awaiting this functionality to be released. Can I ask that if we set both wholesale and retail prices for a product, is going to be an option to have wholesale and retail prices sent through as part of the workflow email to the client? They want to be able to see both prices within the email so just checking to ensure this will be available before I let him know.

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