Default Domain Setup

Can we include being able to setup a ‘forward’ from non-default to default version of domains in the ‘Domains’ section of the admin ie. if www is default, allow us to forward the non-www to it along with any additional domains pointing to a site (and visa versa). This will stop duplicate content issues and help control urls in search results which is a vital SEO requirement.


Hi @SiroccoDigital Just interested in this as I’m about to add an additional domain. Have you been adding the additional domains into Treepl? if so how do you get around the 2nd domain not forwarding to the first and the duplicated content issue that (i’m guessing) would ensue?

Also paging Backlog Meister :slight_smile: @Peter-Schmidt has this been added?

Additional domains will forward to the primary, and you just need to ask support to do non-www redirects to the www for now until they build a UI for this.

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Yes thank you @Adam.Wilson that is correct. They do automatically forward to the default domain so we haven’t had any issues here.

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I wish this was the case… We have a case right now where the additional domain is not forwarding to the default.

I also noticed something curious… the “Default” domain seems to be the domain. Is there anyway to change the default to the site’s main domain? I poked around and found nothing.

All the additional domains that I have added to sites have ‘forwarded’ to the default. That said I have only used as the development domains so you may have stumbled on the issue. Maybe @alex.n can shed some light on this for you @James

I always use and I don’t think I’ve had any issues with forwarding to default.
The system domain does currently show (incorrectly) as the default domain though… I think that’s just something that’ll get sorted in time.

Correction: looking back at a support ticket for one site with multiple domains, I did have to ask support to forward it to the primary… so maybe there is an issue there?

Yeah I logged a case and they performed the redirect manually, that is working now.
Also correct, the UI is not complete and the default setting currently does not affect domain level redirects. (According to the team)

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