Form Send to Email Address based on Field Selection

I have a form on BC where I used a script so that depending on which clinic location someone picked in a dropdown field, the form sent the Workflow email to that location. Does anyone know how I can replicate this type of functionality in Treepl?

I’ve been meaning to submit this one as a backlog request as I don’t believe we have that same functionality in Treepl (but I could be mistaken).

For reference, the BC functionality for this is documented here:

Moving this post to the #public-backlog too for @Peter-Schmidt :slight_smile:


Just to be absolutely sure before I add this - Do Treepl already have some kind of workaround or something similar to the BC solution? :slight_smile:

If I understand correctly, this site uses this functionality:

In the Treepl CMS there is the same functionality, only the name attribute must be “customWorkflows”:

<select name="customWorkflows">
         <option value="[WorkflowID]">[Workflow Name]</option>
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Awesome. I’ll get this into the Docs shortly.
Thanks @Eugene

@SiroccoDigital you should be able to swap this out with what you currently had in BC.

I’ve added a thorough description of this to the Docs (with examples).
Anyone let me know if you think I should add anything else to this:

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That’s great that the custom workflows will still work. Pity this is only available for Pro Plans. Will have to look if there is an alternative work around for Essential & Business sites.