Mailchimp question/issue

I’m trying to set up a simple worklflow. ie.user fills out form to get something, goes into automated email workflow and gets emails until opts out or makes contact. I thought that treepl had email marketing built in, but as mentioned above, no templates (and I can’t code emails), no backward syncing. What’s the point?
Why wouldn’t I just send them to Mailchimp or even embed a Mailchimp form here and manage everything from Mailchimp (which I now realise you have to pay extra for whereas before it was free.) What I sold to my customer is now double the price with two places to log in. Does anyone have a fairly simple workaround?

Hi @Leona
You can subscribe someone to Mailchimp after a Treepl form submission and place them into any Mailchimp automation. Just that the Treepl implementation currently requires double opt-in, so the user will receive the opt-in email confirmation from Mailchimp before they are subscribed.

Alternatively, you can embed a Mailchimp form instead to bypass the double opt-in requirement. I believe this is still available under the free Mailchimp plan.

My client would like to maintain one database and they use mailchimp for their email marketing and a separate list for sms.
I have the Mailchimp form embedded on the site but any enquiries through the website have to be manually added. Also when they download a file off the website where they have to enter in their email to get the file has to also be added to the mailing list.
They also do alot of workshops and all of the people who attend these have to be added manually.
As you can imagine it is difficult to maintain all of this and they are looking for the best way to manage it.
We have been waiting for the Mailchimp intergration with Treepl ever since Treepl took over BC. How much longer do we need to wait?

Hi @cretam,

Could you submit a ticket on the issue and provide as much detail as possible on the challenges you’re facing with the Mailchimp integration?

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@cretam - I hope that support can help you with this issue. For the emails that you would enter manually at them moment it might be worth looking at the zapier integration if it can’t be solved in then current Mailchimp integration. I have tried the zapier integration with mailchimp but will several other external systems. It is fairly easy to push data from Treepl through Zapier to another app so maybe you should look into that :slight_smile:

Last thing - just so there is no misunderstandings. Treepl didn’t take over BC they built a new system so none of the features from BC have been “copied”, but made from scratch. Maybe if was just your wording, but just wanted to clarify if it wasn’t the case :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Peter-Schmidt for your reply. @Adam.Wilson also said to use Zapier. I don’t understand why we have to use another tool. It’s only more expense for the client. BC did a fairly good job with their internal email marketing/crm system. I don’t understand why it’s taking Treepl so long to implement. It’s one of the reasons I haven’t built many sites on Treepl lately.

Yes sorry I did know it was a new system and now I re-read it, I wrote it incorrectly.
I haven’t been keeping up with all the updates so I wanted to check if it had been implemented yet but I can still see it at the top of the wishlist.

The client wants to have one audience that they can use and be able to segment the data. They want to use the list for email marketing, event registrations, sms calling, postcode. I’ll have a look into it properly over the next few days. Might reach out if I need to. They want to be able to sms from the same system and I understand clicksend intergrates with mailchimp with zapier also so zapier might work.