Page Search Functionality in Admin

Hey guys, direct request from a client (this is a very large site we are building):

There’s a search function top left but it only applies to the menu beneath it. There doesn’t seem to be the ability to search for individual pages and once you get a bunch like we do it would be a handy way to find them.

Can we get this into the Public Backlog please @Peter-Schmidt (or @vlad.z @Eugene if this is an easy add, maybe in one of the upcoming sprints?)

Hi @A3CS :slight_smile:

If you switch to “list view” the search functionality is already there :+1:
Maybe it can be implemented in both views, but it is available :smiley:

Hmmm…for real? Didn’t even know that… yes, definitely should be in both views!

Thanks @Peter-Schmidt

Yup for real - no worries @A3CS :ok_hand:t2:

@Eugene - I guess there is a reason why it is not in both views? :blush:

Hi @Peter-Schmidt, @A3CS

We are planning to add a search in the tree view along with an advanced search on the modules, but he will search only in the folder in which you are.

@Eugene - Great that makes sense! :slight_smile:
Thanks :+1: