Activation DNS settings

My domain registrar isHover.
I am not clear on A records settings. .
Hover was expecting name servers.
Activation instructions are not clear on name servers.
Need some help please

Hi @pcaltair
Name Server values (NS) are the addresses you add to your Domain Name to point it to the DNS hosting (DNS is not actually part of your domain name, rather a hosting service you add to it or host at with 3rd party).
A records (and other such records; TXT, CNAME, MX…) go in the DNS settings/hosting.

Looks like Hover offer DNS hosting, so once setup with them (if not already) you’d point your NS values to their DNS hosting service, as per this article:

And then managing your DNS with Hover as per this article:

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Thanks very much for the response !

It would be nice to have the A records easily viewable within the Admin after a site goes live. It doesn’t seem like there is a way to get to it outside of the initial setup.

I guess there is not often much need for the IP address after activation. However, you can do a DNS lookup of the trial site domain and this will report the IP address (using a tool like this: )


If you need help, I use Hover all the time and have been for years and am a reseller for them. I am happy to help. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks…I got it resolved

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