Add Products to Secure Zone

Is there a way to bulk add products to an existing secure zone? I’ve exported my product listing but I don’t see which column is the secure zone. Shouldn’t one of the columns have secure zone, yes/no or true/false or some way to designate the product for the secure zone?

@Sue Hi Sue, You can’t do this from a file import. However, you can do it fairly easily from the Secure Zone Module. In the admin goto Content / Secure Zones. Pick your Secure Zone. Under “Secure Content” you will see the “Select Source Content” dropdown. Select your Custom module, it will populate with the unsecured content on the left and the secure content on the right. Just click the move all double arrows and you are done.

However, ‘Products’ are not yet available in the Secure Zone bulk assignment section.
They can only be secured individually from their respective edit screens.

That is what I was thinking. Thank you