Adding Event Registration Form Causes Page to Load very slowly

Trying to work out how the Events Module works, created an event and a simple registration form - when I add the form to the Event Content the page takes a long time to load.

Is it a bug or am I doing things incorrectly?

Update - all pages loading slowly, must be something I’ve done!
Update 2 - no, definitely an issue with events slowing things down - this page pulls in the one and only event and has a long load time -

This is the code to pull in the events, removing it makes the page load quick:

{% component source: “Event”, layout: “List”, filterBy: “ItemCategories”, filterValue: “BARBA”, sortBy: “EventDateStart”, sortOrder: “ASC”, emptyMessage: "Sorry, no upcoming meetings ", type: “module” %}

Hello, we have bug with sortBy EventDateStart - that’s why your site can be work slowly