Go to template or page where search needs to be inserted
Go to Components and select Site Search
It will say code is copied. This is what the code will look like:
{% component source: “Page”, layout: “Site Search List”, displayPagination: “true”, type: “site_search” %}
Paste the code into the div where you want the site search to be.
You can redirect to a page where the search results are shown by changing to
ie. The name of the page you want the search result to show on.
If you do that you need to put the search results code on the search results page, and remove it from under the search form.
Thanks Adam. It works ok for words that are not on the site. I tried “business of sheep” and got a funny one - Showing 18 items for “business of sheep”
Sorry no results found. Try searching again with a different keyword perhaps.
This listed multiple times. Would you mind checking if it is working correctly on my site https://www.sheepconnectsa.com.au/ please?
This is because your Site Search List layout is set up to render items as a ‘collection’.
So you need to add object: "collection" to the search component, ie:
{% component source: "Page", layout: "Site Search List", object: "collection", emptyMessage: "No items found by keyword: <strong>{{request.request_url.params.SearchKeyword}}</strong>", displayPagination: "true", type: "site_search" %}