Admin Date Formats to Match timezone/local

It would be good if all the dates that are displayed in the Admin were formatted as per that site instance timezone/local. This could be quite confusing for the client.

Alternatively, a site setting that allows us to set a custom date format to be used, ie:
01.30.2019 ( %m.%d.%Y )
30-01-2019 ( %d-%m-%Y )
30/01/19 ( %d/%m/%y )
30 Jan 2019 ( %e %b %Y )

Agreed - I’ve had a few clients comment on this already

Sure - That would be great for us as well :slight_smile:
I thought we had a similar request in the backlog, but it doesn’t seem that way.

EDIT: Added here:

Thanks Peter - I’d vote for it if I had a spare one!