My client’s site shows the Google Analytics results and by default everything shows results for previous 7 days.
If on the Audience Overview I change the time period to last 30 days, the graph refreshes with new results but the stats at the top still show the last 7 day results.
I have the same issue with the “How aer yur active users trending over time” widget.
Is this just me with incorrectly configured widgets, a Google shortcoming or Treepl?
I see the same thing @TopLeftDesigns.
I assume this is at Treepl’s end?
Additionally, it would be good to have all widgets update to the same time period when one is changed, or a separate ‘global’ time selector to change all of them at once.
Have been trying to get the analytics to appear on the site dash for several weeks. Tried setting and resetting analytics settings. I am getting proper tracking when I view through Google Analytics Suite.
Each Google Analytics chart is configured separately. This is done in order to minimize the number of requests to the Google Analytics API, because the number of free requests is limited. But we can add a drop down to manage the time period for all charts.