Backlog Request 3018 Discussion - Add Custom CSS, Font Etc. in WYSIWYG

Add Custom CSS, Font Etc. in WYSIWYG

Be able to add custom colors, CSS, fonts in WYSIWYG editor (via Treepl Portal, per site).

I’m not sure who the original requester of this was, but I can’t see a need for this

We already have this:

and this:

I’m not sure if they mean something more like this:

Yeah, I think the original request was referring to the ability to add custom colours (like the clients brand colours) and custom CSS classes that you’ve predefined in the stylesheet.

Adding a fonts menu I don’t think would be appropriate (and you could/should achieve this with custom class names).

We had this functionality in BC and definitely helps clients maintain on-brand content and styles.


I think we still need to have the basic <h1>, <h2>, normal etc drop down. Don’t we?

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I think it would be cool to have the ability to add some custom brand colours the WYSIWYG.

I especially think that having the ability for users to add a custom class from a drop down would be very useful. I could see having a drop down with classes in it, then the user could highlight text and apply the class, just like they would apply bold or italics.

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Forum link added to request :slight_smile:

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I imagine the new WYSIWYG editor was picked for this reason specifically.

I was looking through the docs and this functionality is available in this WYSIWYG editor. It just needs to be implemented. We would need some way to define these custom properties of the WYSIWYG editor as well.

Custom colors:

Custom font families:

Inline classes:

Paragraph Styles:

All of the demos. Some pretty neat ones in there.

Lots to look forward to :smile:

Hi @Alex_B_Centrifuge
Thanks for the request.
We added a lot of features from this list to our internal backlog and we’ll plan to realise some of these features as soon as possible.


Thanks @Eugene

I imagine we’d either need the ability to create a config override file, or there would need to be some custom interface for adding these additional parameters.

As far as I remember we decided to add the custom interface to the settings section.

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@Eugene That sounds great. Much more user friendly than an override config file :wink:

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