Backlog request: Events module for event attendance

It would be excellent to have a feature on Events Module that enabled admin user to mark event attendees or subscribers as “attended”, “did not attend” under the subscriber/list of attendees for each event.


Yes, this would be great.

Can this be achieved with a custom field?

@FractalCreative you could record attendance with a custom field/s but the custom field/s would have to be on the CRM record, not the Event. So there wouldn’t really be a clear way of seeing the attendance at the Event level (in the admin anyway) unless you could customise the booking table/list and show CRM custom fields there too.

So I think what would be needed here is more of a connection between CRM record and their Event booking. Probably need some interface under the CRM record like a new tab called ‘Bookings’ (like we have for ‘Subscriptions’) with the ability to see all the customers Events booked along with an attendance field. Then show the attendance data in the Event’s booking list too.


Great - Added here: Events Module For Event Attendance :+1: