Backlog Requests with origin Forum links

Hey @Peter-Schmidt. Just a thought… since backlog items are now mostly submitted through this Forum, it might be good to have a link back to the origin forum post in the backlog item on the Treepl site.
This way it might encourage more feedback on the item, but also gives both Partners and the Treepl Team a full and current picture of the request - as further discussion/ideas/issues may happen after the request has been added to the public backlog.
If/When the team go to investigate a backlog request, they’ll have a link to the forum discussion with the most up-to-date conversation and a list of those partners most interested in the item (to reach out to for more info if needed).

Great idea @Adam.Wilson - I have an overview of it in a excel file, so shouldn’t be a big deal.
I will add it to the current ones and do this on future requests as well! :slight_smile: :ok_hand:

EDIT: Added to existing requests that has a forum post :slight_smile:

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