BC to Treepl App Issue?

Hey, not sure if it just me, but I installed the latest version of the BC to Treepl app on a BC / Silver Plan Client site. App is there, I authorized it, but when I click on it, nothing shows on the page, it is just blank.

What am I doing wrong here?

You just need to enable Liquid and JSON in the beta functions and dump your cache and it should work.

Strange, this was already enabled and well before. Still not working. @vlad.z?

The issue appears to be with BC “Silver” plans. I tried adding the app to two Silver plan sites, both with the same results, blank screen (with all liquid beta settings active). Tried adding it to a BC “Gold” plan and it worked fine.

Assuming it is not working because of the last of {module_data} in the Silver Plan.

I can reproduce the problem on Silver plans, but also on one old webMarketing plan. So module data shouldn’t be the problem … App installs fine in Gold plans.

It seems that the app is not working because there are no webapps on the site with Plans below Gold.
The latest fix of “list of webapps not always appears on app loading” obviously causes the issue.
We have no trial site with the plan below Gold to test the app.
So if someone could share access to dev@ez-bc.com on one of the sites below Gold (trial site will be even better than live site) then we can fix the issue asap.

@vlad do you need access to the Silver BC site as well, or just the Treepl trial, or both?

@vlad.z I have shared - https://trendz.trialsite.co](https://trendz.trialsite.co/ with the the dev@ email address.

Let me know if I need to share access to the BC site as well.

Thank you @A3CS for providing access to the site.
It helped to find the bug and provide a fix patch to the app.

Fix has been deployed to the server.
Current version of the app is v6.0.3.
So please just reinstall app on sites under Gold plan by clicking the link below and all should start working:


Good stuff - app is working now on the BC Silver Plan. Thanks @vlad.z