Blog Page Title and Subtitle

How do I change the title and subtitle on the BLOG? I carefully looked through all the layouts within the blog but I don’t see where the title and subtitle are.

Here’s my page:Blog
Instead of the Title being just BLOG I want to name our blog.
The current subtitle is: Praesent lobortis auctor enim, vitae interdum tortor consequat ut. Aenean ullamcorper faucibus nisl ac fermentum.

Which obviously I need to change but am unable to locate where to change it at.
Again, I went line by line in the General Blog Layout and I really can’t find it. I checked all the other layouts and anything else I could think of look. :woman_shrugging: I’m lost.


Hi @Mstall
This description is on the actual content area (Description) of the Blog parent item. So, when looking at the list of Blogs in the admin, click the 3 dots icon and click edit to access the details for the Blog parent item. You should see this text in the content field.

Thank you so very much for answering so quickly!! You ROCK! I would have never found that. Have an amazing week!