BUG: Can't log in to newly created trial sites

Anybody else experiencing this? I’ve create two trial sites today and I can’t log into them with my credentials. I use a password manager so I’m not mis-typing them. And I’m able to log into other sites with the same credentials. I’ve contacted support, but I’m wondering if it’s just me or if it’s widespread.

Not having any problems here. Try the old force re-load of your browser trick.

Check with support - might be a “glitch”.
I once had a problem logging in to a newly created sites FTP and something happened when it was added, so Aleksey fixed it in a couple of minutes.

We’re looking into it. Doesn’t seem to be one of the issues described above. We’ll let you know once it’s solved via the ticket. And post here if there is relevant info that might help others in the future.

It was an internal issue. We now updated workflows so it won’t happen again.


Great. This is resolved now. Thanks @alex.n