Can we make Recaptcha Faster (or less of a performance hit)?

My webform with Recaptcha v3 is causing a 10 point performance hit in Google Page Speed Insights (and Lighthouse). I just read this article on changing the implementation to make it faster, but I’m not sure that it’s possible in Treepl -

Any ideas for our Treepl sites?

That article is for recaptcha v2, but yes, it would of course be good to look at any improvements we can make with loading recaptcha (v2 or v3).

I wonder if defer / async or loading it on callback can be implemented?

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The speed drop on mobile version of site I have with V3 active on a page is 30 points and a 7 point drop on desktop version, compared to similar pages on the site that do not show V3 Recaptcha because no form is present.