Hi @A3CS
Here are requirements for external shipping providers:
{% component type: “shippingProvidesFields” %} need to be added to the shopping cart in order to get integration working http://prntscr.com/u7d9je
It can be retrieved from the toolbar or via “restore to default” shopping cart functionality
Looks like we can’t use spaces in Canadian Postal Codes. V3H 2Y1 should be written as such, not as V3H2Y1. The latter works, so this will be a bit confusing for some people.
So, for me to make this work, looks like I need to set the shipping postal code in settings without a space and for the user, they will need to input without a space. https://prnt.sc/u7jxtu but this is not how it should be written.
When I do it the way it is supposed to be xxx xxx it shows this error:
A quick fix might be to use JS to remove spaces on blur. Not sure if that will work with the existing ecommerce js though… might need to tap into that somehow.
Postal code with spaces would be allowed tomorrow after the final 5.5 release update.
CMS would store Postal Code “As Is” but it will trim spaces from the code value for API requests