I have clients with up to 70 email addresses to manage.
Instead of them coming to me to delete an address or add a new one, it would be good if they could manage these functions themselves.
I am fairly sure this is a Standard BC function for someone with full admin access.
The solution would be to move email management out of the partner area and into the main site admin area.
I agree that this is needed. I have a few clients that have a lot of email activity as well.
May I suggest you use the template to write your request. It will make it more likely it will get attention.
Especially the part around specifying what you want. If you were happy with the BC functionality it would be worth putting a reference and a screenshot in to that.
READ THIS FIRST to give your feature request the best chance in life.
Initial checklist:
Be sure you’re requesting a feature and not a bug fix.
Search existing backlog items and pending requests for same/similar features.
Still here, great! please follow the below guidelines where possible:
“Sell” your idea.
Understand that your feature request is a pitch, not only to the development team but to the wider community as well, since they will generally need to upvote your request for it to be implemented.
Try to think objectively, considering the bigger picture.
Removing emotion or posting due to a single, immediate need for the feature, consider how the feature might be fleshed-out to benefit the system as a whole as well as the wider audience. The more partners it can benefit, the more votes it’ll attract.
Be open to feedback.
Posting your idea is an opportunity for feedback to improve and expand the feature. Community involvement will also help get more people onboard with your idea.
Be specific and clear.
This includes a concise, descriptive title (this is what other partners will read when reviewing backlog items for voting). And for the body, provide images, video, mockups and reference links where applicable and consider the following questions:
Is this a new feature, an enhancement or a BC equivalent feature?
Is this primarily client or partner focused?
Provide an intro/summary of the feature:
Provide at least one specific use case:
Are there existing examples of this feature elsewhere?