Content > Snippets

Steps to document:

  1. ‘Content’ > ‘Snippets’
  2. A brief description of what a Snippet is and typically used for (maybe use case example)
  3. “Add New Snippet” button
  4. “Search” function
  5. List items and actions: ‘Sort column’, ‘Duplicate’, ‘Edit’, ‘Delete’, ‘Bulk delete’

Editing item:

  1. ‘Name’, ‘Alias’, ‘Enabled’
  2. Content area: ‘Code View/WYSIWYG’, ‘File Manager’, ‘Component manager’ (just briefly, separate article on using the editor, etc.)
  3. “Save”
  4. “Delete”

— END —

@Adam.Wilson Can we add an example of passing a custom param to a snippet. Or maybe we just need a central article on custom parameters under Liquid Objects and usage, that we could link all the modules’ custom parameter section to.

Custom Parameters


Custom parameters can be used with most components and allow the passing of a custom parameter into an instance of a component. This custom parameter can be used to customize an instance of a module/component insertions. For example a custom parameter could be used in a CSS class to affect the styling of a component instant, or it could be used in the logic of a component to show or hide specific parts of a layout.

In this example we’re inserting a snippet component with the custom parameter called “color” and assigning the value of “blue” to a snippet.

{% component type: "snippet", alias: "footer_snippet", color: "blue" %}

Then in the layout we get the value of color and use it as a CSS value:

<p class="{{params.color}}">Some content</p>
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Hi @Alex_B_Centrifuge
Great idea and thanks for the write-up. I’ll implement this shortly!