CRM Custom Group - Listing info for all contacts

I have a customer who has a Custom CRM Group called Phone Numbers with Mobile, Business, and Fax fields.

The customer wants a report of all contacts with fax numbers.

So, I thought I would get a list of all of the phone numbers with this
{% component groupAlias: “phonenumbers”, type: “CRMContactCustomGroup” %}
Then, if they had a fax number, lookup the appropriate contact.

But this doesn’t produce anything. I tried with a collection, suppressing layout, etc., but could not get a list. I am only able to get one item to result.

{% component groupAlias: “phonenumbers”, fieldAlias: “Fax”, collectionVariable: “testColl”, layout: “”, type: “CRMContactCustomGroup” %}


Produces this:
“Alias”: “phonenumbers”,
“Fields”: [
“Name”: “Fax”,
“Alias”: “Fax”,
“Value”: “337-555-1212”
“Params”: {
“groupAlias”: “phonenumbers”,
“fieldAlias”: “Fax”,
“entityType”: “contact”,
“collectionVariable”: “testColl”,
“layout”: “”,
“type”: “CRMContactCustomGroup”

I was able to get a list of all contacts, then for each contact get their Phone Numbers, but this isn’t really what I wanted to accomplish. I’ll have to do more data manipulating than necessary.

Any ideas of another way to accomplish this?

This is for a membership site, and the contacts will all have allowed their contact information to be listed, and it will be behind a secure zone.

Currently, that’s how the Advanced CRM fields work - you need to do a look-up per contact record. You can’t just look up all advanced fields on their own.
I guess it’s a sub-resource on a contact so you need the contact first.