Custom fields in Advanced CRM

Hi guys

I might have missed this - Will the “Advanced CRM” include the ability to add custom CRM fields? :slight_smile:

Hi @Peter-Schmidt
“Advanced CRM” will allow to create groups of fields and attach them to forms and contacts.
It will be pretty similar to the way it worked in bc.

Thanks @vlad.z
Sounds good, and these will be available across the site I guess? :slight_smile:

Will it only be “string” fields or will we have the ability to add other types of fields like in custom modules :grimacing:

Here is a part of one of the Advanced CRM task description:
Allowed field types:

  • DateTime
  • CheckboxList
  • DropdownList
  • DropdownList (multiple)
  • ListboxList
  • RadioList
  • Boolean
  • Multiline
  • String
  • Upload
  • Number

Thanks for the update @vlad.z.

In BC much of the CRM data was only available to the User who the CRM Record belonged to when the User was logged on to the front end or to Administrators via the back end.

Will the same restrictions apply in Treepl or could access also be available to specified Users (members of a Secure Zone or flagged in a Custom Module)?

If the data in the Advanced CRM is as tightly secured as BC then I’ll need to store that data in a Custom Module instead of the CRM so it is accessible.

Knowing this will flag how my next site gets migrated. Thanks.

That’s also interesting for me, similar use case as with @peter.medbury, @vlad.z. At the moment we have to use a custom module for user data in a BC project as it needs to be accessible via module output. Hence the user data in this project has to be maintained at two places in the system.

I’ve also had to set up web apps to work with customer data like this in BC. So I’m also hoping custom CRM will be more open and accessible via liquid and APIs. :crossed_fingers:


Actually, the Treehouse site is an example of where I had to take this approach too. The signup process (to get the CRM contact subscribed to a secure zone) has to be seperate to creating their profile (which is a Custom Module).
It would be really cool if the CRM could be built and accessed just like a Custom Module. Please :pray:

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+1000 - Like REALLY cool :+1:


Agreed +100000 for me as well. I have multiple sites where I’ve had to duplicate the CRM as a custom module to get access to the data, and I’d really prefer not to.

Exactly the same we do. It is not that big of a pain if the client is not in the backend. But if the client wants to be able to add/edit/delete users (which they want to most of the time), it is always a bit annoying when they need to do this in two separate places, and most of the time they forget because it is not that intuitive :slight_smile:

There will be 2 component tags for CRM that may help you to solve issues you mentioned above:

  • Pattern:

    • {% component type:“CRMContacts”, filterBy:"", filterValue:"", limit:"", offset:"" , sortBy:"", sortOrder:"" , collectionVariable:"", layout:"" %}

    • Component should filter, sort and return list of CRM contacts that has isDataUsingAllowed equal to true ONLY

  • Pattern:

    • {% component type:“CRMContactCustomGroup”, groupAlias:"[[groupAlias]]" , fieldAlias:"[[fieldAlias]]" , contactId:"[[contactId]]", collectionVariable:"", layout:"" %}

More details will be available in the release notes once the feature will be released

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Great - Looking forward to it.
A fairly simple use case is if you have all of the employees in the CRM database with all details - phone number etc.

In BC it was not possible to get this information in a list, but only the information for the specific logged in user. And thats why we needed to have a separate Web App/Custom module for these informations.

Seems like we can access all of this now, as long as “isDataUsingAllowed” is true - and how is this controlled? :slight_smile:

Here is part of the task description that explains isDataUsingAllowed field (BTW this field still has no final label so if you have any suggestions please tell me here. Current working label is Allow listing my contact data in the CMS)

New system property to CRM Contact record:

  • isDataUsingAllowed (bool)
    • Allows listing contact data
    • default value
      • false
    • can be set to true via edit account form
      • The appropriate field will be added to the edit account form html that generates by toolbox
    • can NOT be set to true via admin panel (because of GDPR. Only user can operate this property)

CRM records that has this checkbox ticked ON will be allowed to

  • be used by liquid component for retrieving and listing contacts.

And as I said before more details will be available in the release notes once the feature will be released :slight_smile:


This sounds great @vlad.z.
Would the isDataUsingAllowed be able to be set in a signup form as well as the ‘edit account form’?

There would be a default user field on the form builder ( allowing you to add isDataUsingAllowed field to the registration forms.