Custom Module Auto Delete Expired Items

Feature Request
Provide the option to set up a custom module to automatically delete expired items and disabled items.

With the change to item-based billing, it is important to partners and our clients to be able to manage our site item inventory count. Also to address the time consuming issue of deleting old unwanted items form modules via the admin.

There are some sites where we have developed custom modules that are used for temporary data. This could be data that is kept for months or a few years.

I have a client with a news feed, but they only keep the content for one year. Every month they go in and delete the expired items. In the current state of the UI of Custom Modules this can take some time because they will have a couple hundred of items to delete and can only delete 50 at a time. Not to mention having to remember to do it.

How it would work

Custom Module Settings

  • Have a new section labeled Item Auto Delete with a checkbox to turn it on.
  • This will then auto-delete any item with an expiry date of 30 days old by default. With an option to change this to any number of days, like 60 or 90.
  • For expired items it only looks at the expiry date.
  • Option auto-delete Disabled items with a checkbox to turn it on.
  • For Disabled items it looks at the Last Updated date.


  • Once turned on, any item that has expired in the last 30 days or the days set will then be automatically deleted from the site.
  • If Delete Disabled is turned on, any disabled item that was updated more than 30 days ago will be deleted.
  • Auto Delete will only work on the modules that it is activated on.

The system doesn’t really have to look at this daily but just before the end of the month. To purge any data before the new month and prevent any overagess.

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