Custom Module Release Date Issue - still?

Hey guys,

Just added a new module item to a newly launched site, today’s date is June 13th, when added release date said June 13th. When I went to the live site, the item didn’t appear.

I then set the date back a day, to June 12th, and the item is now live.

Guys - when will this be fixed? While I can deal with these issues, my fear is when a client is trying to add items and they start to get frustrated. Seems it gets fixed, then it defaults back to not working.

Please advise when this will be fixed as again, we are dealing with client-level issues now.


Hi, Aaron. It will be fix in current sprint. Are you use “Advanced search” beta features? It caused this bug.

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Hi @Denis.l yes, I am using the new Advanced Search (needed it for a good site search). Noted will wait until the sprint and noted that it is a Beta issue.

Thanks for the quick response.


FIXED: Issue was when the Trial site was setup, the wrong the wrong timezone was selected and therefore the posts wouldnt release. Thanks to @Adam.Wilson for pointing that out for me!

Can someone please confirm if this was fixed?

I am still having the issue on the AUS DC . A blog item with a release date of today, not being shown on the website.

I can’t see it in the release notes, so is this still to come?

EDIT: In my case its not a custom module item but a BLOG module item.


Not fixed - I can still replicate this as well - Any updates @Denis.l ? :slight_smile: