I’m using a Custom Module as an Image Library.
1 Custom Module Item per image.
When I view all the items in the Custom Module as the Table / list, I’d like to be able to display the actual image (as a thumbnail) on its item row.
It seems at the moment we can only display an image’s path in this table.
With a column full of images in the table it would be very quick and easy to identify an image amongst thousands or even just say 4 or 5 filtered images. At the moment I need to go in and out of each Item to identify an image and Treepl is extremely slow at going in and out of CM Items.
It seems like this should be an obvious option (to display image thumbnail instead / as well as its path).
Am I missing something and this is actually possible? If not, does anyone agree that this would be a great option to add?
I would like to have this option, too. Lots of modules of mine deal with image content. Having the option to display the thumbnail in the item list would be brilliant!
I tried to add to the wishlist and it redirects to this forum, so I guess we ask for new wishlist items here?
Can we please have the following feature added to the wishlist so it can be voted for:
Where a Custom Module has an Item Property>Custom Property that is type Media.
In that Custom Module’s > Table of items can we add the option to show a thumbnail of the actual image as well as the current option to show its path.
This will be extremely helpful for creating image libraries and Identifying items in the table.
Thanks @Reagan_Vautier. I’ve now moved this post into the backlog category as it has more info and feedback and I’ll remove your duplicate (sorry for the confusion).
FYI: @Peter-Schmidt