Daylight savings causing issues with start and end times in events

I believe I have stumbled upon a bug.

When the start time and end time are changed, they display correctly in the backend and the message flashes to show that changes were accepted. The time displays as it was set. However, if you refresh the page, the time shows as 1 hr earlier. So if the time was 12:00 am, the day of the event changes in the calendar.


I want to report that I am seeing this same issue. To make it more clear here’s an example of what happens.

  1. enter new event at 8pm
  2. event appears, time at 9pm
  3. edit event, see that it’s set to 9pm
  4. must set event to 7pm for the correct time of 8pm to appear

This only happens to events during Daylight Savings. Events outside of Daylight Savings are not affected.

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