Delete unused Custom Modules

Is it possible to delete a Custom Module? Minor issue, just cleaning up # of CustMods for client after using free template. I can’t seem to find Delete button.

I believe I can hide it, using “Admin Menu Configurator”. But after I create a Custom menu, the names of Custom Modules do not update if they are changed.

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@craigwhitlock to delete a Custom Module, go into the Module Settings, and bottom right is a “trash can” icon. Click it.

This deletes the entire Custom Module. If you have a lot of Custom Module Items, then it might take a bit for it to be removed.

Also, if you are using the Admin Menu Configurator, make sure to remove it from that, or delete and start from scratch (the Admin Menu Configuration that is).

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There it is! Sneaky little icon. Thank you, I thought I had seen that before.

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I missed it the first time as well and asked support. It’s really out of the way. Maybe that’s good though.

Hi All, i keep getting internal error and cannot delete a custom module. anty thoughts what could be stoping this? I actually cant delete any pages, either??

Hi @AJ1971,

Please submit a support ticket on this.

thanks , have done so. on another note have you hada chance to view the details i sent to you via projects/services re API product intergration?

Yes. We’ll get back to you shortly.