Errors appearing on Analytics Console

I’m getting errors on my analytics panel (screenshot). I’m not a programmer so “string” means it’s out of my scope. Anyone know what I may be doing wrong? Awesome Screenshots

I’ve seen such errors from time to time but they usually resolve themselves. i think it’s a connection/timeout thing perhaps.
Have you only just set it up. It often takes a day or two to really ‘settle in’.

Others have also reported that some pop-up/ad blockers in the browser can interfere with this too so maybe try disabling plug-ins/extensions or test in incognito mode.

I have experienced this on almost all sites where I have setup GA. It will resolve itself after some time as @Adam.Wilson mentioned :).

For some sites where GA was already running on an old site it worked instantly :slight_smile:

On one of my live treepl sites, I could see the GA stats but my client couldn’t. He worked out that it was the ad blocker he had installed on his browser.

Hi Peter -
I think I put this on another thread but it should go here. Thank you, its hasn’t resolved.

Have been trying to get the analytics to appear on the site dash for several weeks. Tried setting and resetting analytics settings. I am getting proper tracking when I view through Google Analytics Suite.

Hello @DaunOmega.
Please give me a link to the site and we will see what the problem is.

Hi @DaunOmega
Was this resolved?

This happened to one of our team members recently and the reason was simply that we had forgotten to add the “new user” to GA as you see in the docs. We have this running on +20 sites without any problems, so I hope you got this working :slight_smile:

I think that’s the issue @Peter-Schmidt. I have gone through the documentation process again and after waiting a bit, I’ll report outcomes. Thank you all.

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Hi Eugene. Yea I’m still not getting it to work. URL is

Nope, didn’t resolve. :slight_smile: Responded to @Eugene. Thank you @Peter-Schmidt

@DaunOmega One option is to check to ensure the view id and tracking id don’t have a blank space at the end of the code you engered as this has caused the same error for us before.

Hi @DaunOmega.
I noticed that the “Tracking ID” format is different from that specified in the GA documentation. It should be a string like UA-000000-2.
https: //

Thank you @Eugene, the tracking code is fixed but I must have some error somewhere because I’m still not getting tracking numbers.

Send a request to marked “Skype call” and we will help you with setting up Google Analytics.