Event Anniversary Emails

The best feature of the BC Events Module was the ability to send a custom email to the subscriber with information about the event they had purchased and anniversary emails to subscribers based on the course date ie. -3, +3 so you could easily remind participants of the event and then request feedback about it. This allowed us to have training companies use the CMS.

Can this please be added to the backlog as it is really important functionality along with being able to download a report of all event participants which is really a must if you are taking enrolments.


Hi @SiroccoDigital - Sorry for the late reply, I have not had access to the Treepl site since the SSO update, so haven’t had a chance to add this to the public backlog before now :slight_smile:

Added here: https://treepl.co/public-backlog-state/request/event-anniversary-emails

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No problem @Peter-Schmidt! Thanks heaps.

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@Peter-Schmidt this is a ‘BC Equivalent’ and I spoke with Alex who asked that we add this tag to the item please.

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Perfect - Updated :+1:

Hi @SiroccoDigital DId you find a way to implement reminder emails for events? It looks like this functionality may still be a long way away.

@doodlefish this isn’t available yet unfortunately but it still high on my wishlist as I haven’t been able to find a way to replicate it. With Mailchimp you can run loyalty campaigns based off a submitted date if but it only works the first time you add a customer to your Mailchimp list (so doesn’t work if they are an existing customer and a new date needs to trigger a new loyalty campaign).

@SiroccoDigital Thanks for the update. It looks like the best hope at this stage is for Zapier integration which might work. Sounds like Zapier might be closer.

the link to request/event-anniversary-emails goes to an oops page. Any updates on the email reminders for events? I’m working with coaches and course creators and told them that Treepl would be great for their event registration page. Not so much if it doesn’t have event reminders. I also thought workflows might be a workaround but the workflows don’t function like the old BC either. This target audience isn’t going to settle for a Zapier fix as they’re not usually a technical group of people. Looks like I’m going to have to tell them my bad and find a different solution that has these options…

Hi @Mstall
I think the reason the backlog link is dead is because this feature has been implemented.
So, Events module does have anniversary emails which was introduced in v6.6.
Here are more details from the release notes:
Treepl CMS Features for Treepl Partners & CMS Resellers

and the Release Notes review here:
V6.6 Release Notes and Video Review

Hope this allows you to deliver your project on Treepl now :slight_smile:

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