Event Payment - Free but with VIP payment option

I holding an online marketing masterclass and my website is built on the Yoga template if that helps. I’ve used their existing form for my free events but Now I want to add Free with a $47 VIP option.

I see on the template that they already had a form with a dropdown for free or payment. Here’s that page: Hatha Yoga Training Festival 2

I tested out the Free option and got an error message: “Payment error! Details: Free payment cannot be proceeded with amount not being 0.” Which is great, but I’m not a programmer and I don’t know how to fix it.

My page is here: Marketing Masterclass - Uncover and Eliminate Your Marketing Roadblocks

I did figure out how to modify the existing form for a totally free class but I don’t know how to make the Free or Payment option work. I like to use one form for this because it’s better usability.

I saw on the Forum in my search to figure this out that someone asked a similar question. However, they just said they used java script but didn’t mention the actual script.

Any help and assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hi @Mstall

This can depend on how everything is set up. But assuming the Event has no price assigned and you are just manually assigning the $47 in the form, here is a possible solution:

Firstly, you’d need to add the payment amount field to your form (either hidden or visible):

<input type="hidden" name="Payment_Amount" readonly value="0">

And also the payment fields.

Let’s assume you include a dropdown in your form to select free tickets or VIP, like this:

<select id="BookingType" name="BookingType">
    <option value="Free">Free</option>
    <option value="VIP">VIP</option>

Using jQuery to listen for a change on that input and set the price field accordingly and change the free/credit card dropdown automatically:
(and probably trigger a change on the allocation/quantity field… more on that below)

$('#BookingType').on('change', function () {
    var selectVal = $(this).val();
    if ( selectVal === 'VIP' ) {
    } else {
    $('input[name="Payment_ItemQuantity"]').change(); <!-- should trigger Treepls javascript to calculate price x quantity to set the total cost -->

Now, if you are needing VIPs to also set number of tickets (and this is to book the allocation on the Event), then your ticket dropdown should probably have a NAME value of Payment_ItemQuantity, ie:

<select name="Payment_ItemQuantity" data-trp_quantity="1" class="form-control">
    <option value="1">1 Ticket</option>
    <option value="2">2 Tickets</option>
    <option value="3">3 Tickets</option>
    <option value="4">4 Tickets</option>

There may be other factors I’m missing here and I haven’t tested this code, so see how you go and let us know if there are any issues.

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Awesome! Thank you! I’ll work with you tomorrow and will definitely let you know. Thanks so very much! I greatly appreciate it.

This is driving me crazy. The Yoga class (link above) is using the Detail template that has the code to pull up the booking form. I changed my Marketing Class to that template but it doesn’t work. I then duplicated the booking form and duplicated the Detail layout so that I could make changes. I save everything and make sure the layout code brings up the new form. But the form on the marketing page NEVER changes. Then I thought I would pull it up in Safari because Chrome can be a pain sometimes. In Safari it is still showing the original form when I click on Book now. I can send you the code to each or whatever you need but I don’t know what else to do> I went line by line comparing the Yoga and Marketing class. I even changed a word within the layout code to make sure that I had the right one. The word changed but it still doesn’t bring up the right form. I could really use your help. THANK YOU!!

:arrow_right: UPDATE! I decided to try something. I just duplicated the Yoga Event and changed the content including the price. Right now I just set the price to $1.00 to test it out. The payment went through! Yippee. It’s not the prettiest form, but at least it works.
However – the Free selection does NOT work.

The free payment cannot be proceeded with the amount not being 0. So I’m guessing I need a line of code in the form that fixes it. I’m not sure what it needs to be other than zero and still work. Here’s the payment form code:

Credit Card Free Payment
{% component type:"payment_form_fields", formAlias:"{{this.alias}}" %}
<input type="hidden" name="Payment_ModuleItemId" value="{{this.moduleItemId}}"/>
<label for="Payment_Amount"><strong>Total Amount: </strong></label>
<input type="text" disabled="disabled" id="Payment_Amount" class='mt-2' name="Payment_Amount" value="{{this.paymentAmount}}"/>
{% if request.request_data.is_mobile == 1 %}
<div class="captcha-holder">
	<div class="g-recaptcha" data-size="compact" data-sitekey="{{this.recaptcha_sitekey}}"></div>
{% else %}
<div class="captcha-holder">
	<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{{this.recaptcha_sitekey}}"></div>
{% endif %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Book now</button>

Thanks again for your help. If you can show me what to change so that I can the the form to work I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

When you change the payment type dropdown to ‘Free’ you need to reset the price to zero both in the input field value and on a data attribute.

This will hopefully work when added to your Form layout:

$('[name="Payment_Type"]').on('change', function () {
    var selectVal = $(this).val();
    if ( selectVal === 'Free' ) {
        $('input[name="Payment_Amount"]').val('0').attr('data-total_price', '0').change();
    } else {
        $('input[name="Payment_Amount"]').val('{{this.paymentAmount}}').attr('data-total_price', '{{this.paymentAmount}}').change();

I really appreciate your help. I added the code by copy and paste. I wasn’t sure where to put it so I tried different places. Nothing worked.

There is also code in the Events - Detail page layout. Does that matter?


Cost: {% if this['Price'] != 0 %} ${{this['Price']}} {% else %} Free with Registration {% endif %}

            {% if this['Price'] != 0 %}
                {% component type: "form", alias: "booking_form", eventId: "{{this['id']}}" %}
            {% else %}
                {% component type: "form", alias: "booking_form_free", eventId: "{{this['id']}}" %}
            {% endif %}

PLUS-- Now I know I messed up something because the Book Now Button is missing after I added my information on the form.
I’ve been going line by line to see what I accidently deleted but I can’t find it. Here’s the form code:

<div class="form-group list">
    <select id="Payment_Type" name="Payment_Type" placeholder="Choose Payment Type" class="form-control">
    <option value="CreditCard">Credit Card</option>
    <option value="Free">Free Payment</option>

$(‘[name=“Payment_Type”]’).on(‘change’, function () {
var selectVal = $(this).val();
if ( selectVal === ‘Free’ ) {
$(‘input[name=“Payment_Amount”]’).val(‘0’).attr(‘data-total_price’, ‘0’).change();
} else {
$(‘input[name=“Payment_Amount”]’).val(‘{{this.paymentAmount}}’).attr(‘data-total_price’, ‘{{this.paymentAmount}}’).change();

{% component type:"payment_form_fields", formAlias:"{{this.alias}}" %}
<input type="hidden" name="Payment_ModuleItemId" value="{{this.moduleItemId}}"/>
<label for="Payment_Amount"><strong>Total Amount: </strong></label>
<input type="text" disabled="disabled" id="Payment_Amount" class='mt-2' name="Payment_Amount" value="{{this.paymentAmount}}"/>
<div class="captcha-holder">
	<div class="g-recaptcha" data-size="compact" data-sitekey="{{this.recaptcha_sitekey}}"></div>
{% else %}
<div class="captcha-holder">
	<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{{this.recaptcha_sitekey}}"></div>
{% endif %}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Book now</button>

I’m not able to post the entire code for the form. I took a screen shot.


Also, here’s the screenshot when I try to complete the Free version of the checkout form.THe Submit button vanished :tired_face:

From your screenshot it looks like there is broken Liquid code.
There should be some opening IF condition to display the 2 different reCAPTCHAs but it’s missing.
But this is not really needed so for now, just delete the highlighted section below completely:

Also, if you can post a link to your Event page where this form is rendered, that will help too.

Thanks, I deleted the code you highlighted. The Book Now button came back.THANK YOU! Here’s the link to the page. Event Page

Where do I put the code to correct the error for the Free registration? THANK YOU so very much.

You can add the script at the bottom of the paid form’s layout.

However, as mentioned at the start of this thread, this assumes your Event does not have a price assigned to it and you are just setting the price in the code manually (arbitrary payment).
Because I’m pretty sure you can’t take a payment of any other value for an Event that has a price attached (unless you are using a discount code).
Based on your code above, it looks like you are getting the price from the Event itself.

But give this a try anyway to see if you can get the script working and then we can look at the pricing issue if it won’t allow a different amount (eg: $0) to be taken for the Event.

I put the code at the bottom of the form layout. It did not work.
Yes, I added the price on the Event module. Would using a discount code be better for the free version? I don’t see an option in the Event module for a discount code other than a volume discount. I see a place for a Wholesale price which is at 0. I don’t know how to make it have a price other than how Treepl’s modules and templates are set up. Another option would be to sell the Free course for $10.00 and then the VIP for $47.00. Would that be better than figuring this out? If so, how do I do that? I don’t see a field or option to do multiple pricing or sell prices that would help.

I don’t have to do it exactly like the yoga template has it set up I just thought it worked well for what I am trying to do and since it’s already made I thought it would work. Thanks for all of your help.

The script you’ve added to set the price to zero is working. It’s the price set on the Event that is the issue.

Let’s make some changes:

  1. In your Event, under the “Prices” tab, delete the price completely.
  2. Where you are adding the Form tag, set the price manually like this:
    {% component type: "form", alias: "booking_form", eventId: "{{this['id']}}", price: "19.99" %}
    (ensure the form alias, event ID and price are correct for your setup)
  3. Anywhere in your Form layout, replace {{this.paymentAmount}} with {{this.params.price}}
    (this will appear in several places, including the script I provided earlier)

This should work for your individual Event setup.
If you have multiple events with different pricing and want this to be more dynamic, you could add a custom field in the Event module for the pricing and pull the price in that way.