Get the details of newly added item in custom module

Im adding an item in a custom module using this api — /public/api/module-items/create, through AJAX. Is it possible to get the details of the newly added item especially the item ID?

Hello @omamai, welcome to the Treepl forum!
There is actually no public API endpoint for creating custom module items at the moment in Treepl - to my knowledge. API is available for CRM Orders as per documentation here: Public API (Orders) - Google Docs
Or did I miss anything, @Adam.Wilson?

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Hi @omamai
If you add ?jsonResponse=1 to the form action (API endpoint) then you should get the full Liquid object in the AJAX response.

Here’s an AJAX sample I found:

<form id="cmCreate" action="/public/api/module-items/create?jsonResponse=1" onsubmit="createFormSubmit(); return false;" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" name="ModuleId" value="1891" required>
    <input type="hidden" name="redirectURL" value="">
    <input type="text" name="prop_Name" value=""  required>    
    <input type="submit" value="Create" >
<div id="msg"></div>
function createFormSubmit() {
    var $frm = $('#cmCreate'),
        $m = $('#msg');

        type: 'POST',
        dataType: "json",
        url: $frm.attr('action'),
        data: $frm.serialize()
    .done(function(msg) {
        var formResponse = msg;
        if (formResponse.Error == 0) {
            var msg = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < formResponse.Fields.All.length; i++) {
                msg += formResponse.Fields.All[i].Name + ': ' + formResponse.Fields.All[i].Value + '<br>';
        } else {
            var msg = "";
            for (var i = 0; i < formResponse.ErrorMessages.length; i++) {
                msg += formResponse.ErrorMessages[i] + "<br>";
    .fail(function(msg) {

The JSON response should look something like this:

    "Fields": {
        "System": {
            "Name": "Test Item"
        "Custom": {
            "File": null,
            "Photo": null
        "All": [
                "Name": "Name",
                "Value": "Test Item",
                "Type": "TextBox"
                "Name": "File",
                "Value": null,
                "Type": "Media"
                "Name": "Photo",
                "Value": null,
                "Type": "Media"
    "ErrorMessages": [],
    "Error": 0,
    "ModuleItem": {
        "Id": 3873,
        "Name": "Test Item",
        "Url": "/team/test-item",
        "Url_List": [
        "UrlSlug": "test-item",
        "ParentId": 1891,
        "ParentId_List": [
        "ParentName": "",
        "ParentUrl": "",
        "TemplateName": "",
        "Module_Alias": "Team",
        "Module_ID": 1891,
        "Enabled": true,
        "ReleaseDate": "2023-01-25T08:56:01.907261",
        "ExpiryDate": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999",
        "SiteSearchKeywords": [],
        "Description": "",
        "Weighting": 0,
        "DisableForSiteSearch": false,
        "CreatedByMemberId": "1843",
        "ItemCategories": [],
        "ItemCategoryIdList": [],
        "ItemTags": [],
        "Author": 0,
        "Author_Name": "",
        "Author_Url": "",
        "Item_Rating": 0,
        "Photo": "",
        "Position": "",
        "ShortDescription": "",
        "Facebook": "",
        "Instagram": "",
        "Tumblr": "",
        "Twitter": "",
        "Phone": "",
        "Email": "",
        "DescriptionTeam": "",
        "NumNum": 0,
        "Bool": false,
        "Checky": [],
        "MyDataSource": 0,
        "File": "",
        "CRM": "",
        "MyField": "",
        "Selector": "",
        "ShowPageForSearchEngine": false,
        "MetaTitle": "",
        "SEOTitle": "",
        "MetaDescription": "",
        "CanonicalLink": "",
        "SocialMetaTags": "",
        "SeoPriority": 0.5,
        "EnableAMP": false,
        "AMPContent": "",
        "OpenGraphProperties": {
            "title": null,
            "type": null,
            "url": null,
            "locale": null,
            "image": null
        "ExternalId": 0,
        "Params": {}
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It’s now working. Thank you @Adam.Wilson!

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