Gift Voucher Receiver Info

I couldn’t find how/where to include receiver info when purchasing gift vouchers as products, popping here in case anyone else is searching for a starting point

Add/Update Checkout Form

<label for="Payment_GiftVoucher_ReceiverName">Gift Voucher Receiver Name</label>
<input type="text" name="Payment_GiftVoucher_ReceiverName" value="" required />
<label for="Payment_GiftVoucher_ReceiverEmail">Gift Voucher Receiver Email</label>
<input type="text" name="Payment_GiftVoucher_ReceiverEmail" value="" required />
<label for="Payment_GiftVoucher_ReceiverMessage">Gift Voucher Message</label>
<textarea name="Payment_GiftVoucher_ReceiverMessage" required></textarea>

Add to Gift Voucher System Email

Dear {{this.RecipientName}},

{% if this.PurchaserName != “” %}

{{this.PurchaserName}} has purchased you a ${{this.GiftVoucherAmount}} {{this.GiftVoucherCurrency.Code}} Gift Voucher for {{this.SiteUrl}}.


{% else %}

You have been sent a ${{this.GiftVoucherAmount}} {{this.GiftVoucherCurrency.Code}} Gift Voucher for {{this.SiteUrl}}.


{% endif %}

To redeem your gift voucher you must enter this code {{this.GiftVoucherCode}} upon check out. Thank you!
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There is some other info on Gift Vouchers here too:

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