I must be missing something obvious but how in the heck do you add a downloadable PDF? I’m thinking it should be something simple right? It was extremely simple in BC. But I can’t find out how to add one. I’m not a programmer so if you know the secret please make the directions as simple as possible. Thanks!
One way would be to go to Content > File Manager and upload the PDF into the relevant folder. Then go to the page, snippet, custom module item, etc where you want to insert the link. In the WYSIWYG tab, select the text that will have the link and click on the link icon. In the pop-up window, navigate to the PDF file and click ‘save’.
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If you are uploading the pdfs yourself then you can reference the file in your content as you would any other link. But be sure to add “?downloadable=1” after the file name. e.g. Say you have a file named “example.pdf’ that you upload to a folder named “/files”. To make this file downloadable you would add the link to your page like this:
a href=”/files/example.pdf?downloadable=1">Download Example PDF
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