Is it possible to only display the first paragraph of a blog post?

Hi, I am new to treeple and now I need to display only the first paragraph of some blog posts, I am wondering if it is achievable? If it is, could anyone give a hint?

I noticed there is a " truncate" in Liquid, but it can only apply to a single string?

Many thanks!

Hi, @Linda
Unfortunately, you can’t display the first paragraph of a blog post. However, you can use Liquid filters:

  • truncate - shortens a string down to the number of characters,
  • truncatewords - shortens a string down to the number of words.

Before these filters you must use “strip_html” filter which removes any HTML tags from a string. For example, {{this[‘Description’] | strip_html | truncatewords: 3 }}

Hi @Irene

Thank you so much for your quick reply!

In this case, I guess I cannot use a single component to display all the posts I want to put on the webpage.

I am sorry to ask this silly question, but I looked through the Liquid website
and the documentation of Treepl
Unfortunately, I didn’t find any documentation that explained how to set Liquid for one page?(I suppose I need to do the setting before I can use {{this[‘Description’] | strip_html | truncatewords: 3 }}?)

Could you please tell me where you learned how to set the Liquid object for one page? Thank you so much!

Hi @Linda. Welcome to Treepl :slight_smile:
Can you elaborate what you mean by “how to set the Liquid object for one page”?

The truncatewords filter will work on your description tag in both your list layouts and detail layout, or anywhere you want it.

Here is some sample code for Blogs which uses the truncate method in the list layout (scroll right to the bottom of this page):

Let me know if I haven’t understood what you are after exactly.

Hi @Adam.Wilson.

Thank you for your reply! I have learned much from your posts in this forum. However, I still have some questions, I would be really appreciated if you could help me.

  1. In the first General Blog Layout, there is a component:
    {% component source: “Blog Post”, layout: “”, sortBy: “releaseDate”, sortOrder: “DESC”, limit: “1000”, collectionVariable: “allPosts”, type: “module” %}
    I was wondering where I could set the “collectionVariable”? You must have combined the name “allPosts” to your posts, so you can use " allPosts.items" to get your real posts.

  2. In the Post List Layout, similar situation here, do you need to define or combine a Liquid object to your blog? So you can use ‘href="{{this[‘Url’]}}"’ to get the url of your post? Otherwise, it doesn’t know what ‘this’ represents.

Thank you so much for your help!

1 Like

Sure @Linda, you’re welcome.

  1. That first component tag gets all the blog posts and passes then to a Liquid collection (notice the normal Layout is suppressed with layout: ""). But this is only used for getting all the tags and categories assigned to all the posts.
    But yes, since I used “allPosts” as my collection name, we then use that as the starting reference to access the Liquid items within that collection.

  2. inside Layouts this refers to the item/collection already being output by the component tag, so the system knows what this is already., so you don’t need to define it.

Does that make sense?

Hi @Adam.Wilson,

Thank you for your replay! I tried to reproduce the first example, but there seems to be something wrong, here are my steps:

  1. Created a new Blog (Blog-home)
  2. In the Blog-home folder, two blog posts were added with following settings:
    Blog: /blog-home
    Detail Layout: Post Detail
    Categories: blank (no category)
    Tags: allPosts

I am so sorry, I just hit the spacebar and it posted before I finished it…
The above is all the settings for the two posts in the Blog-home folder. And I copied the codes from the first example and pasted it in my treepl, but it didn’t work as expected. I was wondering if I missed any settings?
Thank you so much!

No problem @Linda. So what is the issue you are currently seeing? Are posts not being listed out?
Are you able to share a link to the trial site?

PS: Tags does not need to be set to ‘allPosts’. But that will not likely be causing any issues.

Hi @Adam.Wilson I think I figured it out.

I used to put the example codes in a Page (a file created under Content/Pages), so I keep asking how to bind “this” to the specific post I want to display since the Page and the Post are different file. Just now I put your second example codes in the Post, and the truncatewords filter did work.

I was wondering if it would be possible that I could put

{{this[‘Description’] | strip_html | truncatewords: 50}}

in somewhere else other than the post itsefl? Because I want it to display from a Page.

Thank you so much!

Yes, you would put any tags like this in the Blog Post’s layouts (Detail layout or List layout, or any other custom layouts you make).

You can then list posts onto a page via a component tag… something like this:

{% component source: "Blog Post", layout: "List", filterBy: "parentid", filterValue: "1234", type: "module" %}

where filterValue: "1234" needs to be the ID of your Blog.
Or if you only have one Blog, you can just omit the filter and do this:

{% component source: "Blog Post", layout: "List", type: "module" %}

This should list all your blog posts onto a page (or wherever you place it) so long as you have a ‘Blog Post Layout’ called “List”.

Hi @Adam.Wilson Thanks for all your detailed and quick replies!

Yes, I found it on the Treepl documentation and put it in my Page:
{% component source: “Blog Post”, layout: “List”, filterBy: “parentid”, filterValue: “2020”, sortBy: “releasedate”, limit: “3”, type: “module” %}
It worked great, but besides the title and image, I still need to display some text from the post, I was wondering if there could be a way that I could use something like this {{this[‘Description’] | strip_html | truncatewords: 50}} in the Page?

Thank you!

If it would be helpful, here is the layout I wanted to achieve.

Absolutely. For this you’ll want to edit your “List” layout.
So, in the Admin, go to ‘Content’ > ‘Blogs’
Then click on the “Edit Settings” button at the top and select “Layouts” from the dropdown.
Now go into the “List” layout under the ‘Blog Post Layouts’ heading:

So in the Demo Site example, the “List” layout looks something like this:

Hi @Adam.Wilson

Thank you so much! Adam you are a life saver!

By creating a new Blog and putting the second post in the new Blog, It is now working exactly as expected!

Thank you so much!

Ok great! Glad you got it working :slight_smile: