Masonry Gallery Images only showing up to 10

Hi. I am having trouble getting the masonry gallery on the template to display more than 10 pictures. I have created a new photo gallery based on the masonry layout, and imported 25 pictures to be displayed.

Why is the page then only showing the first 10. I set the limit to 100…still no change. I am using the Agency Template.

Any insight into how to get a gallery to display all my images. Thanks!

Hi @WebDroo I think you need to set the limit in the List layout component tag, not the one on the Masonry page.
So in the ‘Gallery/Slider Layouts’ sections, you’ll have this code in the “List” layout:

{% if this.items.size > 0  %}
    {% for item in this.items %}
        {% component type:"module", source: "Slide", layout:"{{this.params['sliderLayout']}}", filterBy:"parentid", filterValue:"{{}}" %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %} 

Add your limit: "100" to this component tag and you should be good to go.


BINGO! This resolved the issue. Thanks!