Media Downloads/Literature Download All - Possible?

Maybe a silly question, but does anyone know how I might manually pull all of the Media Downloads/Literature content from BC? Is there a specific place they are stored if I have FTP access?

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Hi @bridge3196. No such thing as silly questions here :slight_smile: Happy to help.
BC doesn’t store them anywhere that’s easily accessible. You need to use the API’s or the module_data methods.

The Treepl Migration App moves all your Media Downloads over into a Custom Module and works great.

Alternatively, to do it manually using module_data, this forum post might help:
BC Media Downloads Exporter

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Hi @bridge3196

As @Adam.Wilson mentions - the Migration App will do this perfectly, but if you for some reason need to do it “manually” here is a way to do it with module_data, as Adam also mentioned :slight_smile:

Do a module Data call and get all the urls like so:

{module_data resource=“mediadownloads” version=“v3” fields=“name,downloadUrl” skip=“0” limit=“500” order=“id” collection=“mediaDownloads”}

{% for i in mediaDownloads.items -%}
{{}} – {{i.downloadUrl}}
{% endfor -%}

Then you have a list of the files, and you can do whatever you want. Before this was possible with the Migration App i would just use this list to download all of them, but with the awesome work from Treepl it is now much easier :+1:


Just adding a note here for anyone finding this post and needing to get Media Downloads out of BC. Another option now is the ‘Advanced BC Export’ option in the BC to Treepl migration app which now extracts media download items.