More detail is required: Custom Modules Advanced Filtering

Hi Guys

So after the Treepl team have gone through the public backlog to review the requests, some request needs more details to have a chance to be review by the team.

Typically these are older requests that might have been mentioned in Slack and have not been opened as a topic here on the forum as it didn’t exist at the time. Therefore I will add the ones that are missing.

So the above text you will see in several of these form topics :slight_smile:

Feel free to add more details on how this should work, images, use cases etc. so this can be reviewed by the team if it is important to you :slight_smile:

I think the Treepl Team have a pretty good idea of how this needs to be implemented, but for reference, here is the BC docs regarding filtering module_data:

Also, I think this request should be tagged as a BC equivalent feature and the name/description adjusted to be system wide, not just specific to “Custom Modules”.

My assumption is that this JSON query syntax will be used in the filterValue param of any component tag that supports filtering, ie:

{% component type: "module", filterBy: "JSON", filterValue: "\{'description':\{'$contains':'sampleorder'\}\}", ... %}

or perhaps we’d use the existing searchScope param which already uses JSON syntax, or some new dedicated param for this, ie:

{% component ... searchScope: "\{'description':\{'$contains':'sampleorder'\}\}", ...%}
{% component ... jsonFilter: "\{'description':\{'$contains':'sampleorder'\}\}", ...%}

This feature will introduce much more advanced filtering capabilities for data that we just can’t achieve at present. Primarily, the introduction of AND, OR, NOT operators to combine multiple source fields in different ways.

This is a big deal! :slight_smile: as it was when it was introduced to BC.


As a bonus :slight_smile: it would be super useful to also add some UI into the toolbox for building out the JSON query. Similar to BC’s API Discovery tool which was very handy:

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Thanks @Adam.Wilson :+1: