My client is using a text message program to communicate with her clients and staff. The automatic email that is sent via the website needs a link to opt out. If it’s not on the auto-reply email they will not approve her website/company to use their service. I don’t see a link for that or a standard page or anything to opt out of. At this point, we’re not using MailChimp or any email program. We’re just using the auto-reply emails from the system and there needs to be an opt-out link on all emails. There isn’t one. Please help.
Hi @Mstall
There is not currently any built-in opt-out for autoresponders, since they are not marketing emails and are only one-off notifications based on the user’s interaction with the site.
Since we can’t programmatically control if an autoresponder is sent or not (from the front-end) you would have to turn all autoresponders off on forms in the admin and just not have autoresponders to satisfy this requirement.
If the client still wants autoresponders for those users who haven’t “opted out”, you could have a specific ‘Autoresponder’ form that is hidden on the confirmation page and is submitted by AJAX, but only if the user hasn’t previously submitted a form that has the opt-out option checked (you could use Liquid to run this check).
This hidden form could capture the just submitted form data and the user’s email address in order to send them an autoresponder (along with details of their submission).
Or, just put an opt-out link in the autoresponders that goes to a page saying they will no longer receive this autoresponder (assuming they will not resubmit the same form).
Implement a silly solution for a silly request kind of thing