Prefill generic password for secure zone registration submission

My client has a 2 part membership registration where she’d like to have a generic password automatically applied to a registration form (first part) so the member can see allowed content and access their personal ‘settings’ page (and edit items such as phone, address and password - updating them or adding as required).

I’m using:

<div style="display:none;">
<input type="password" id="Password" name="Password" value="MEMBER01" class="text-field w-input" required>
<input type="password" id="ConfirmPassword" name="ConfirmPassword" value="MEMBER01" class="text-field w-input" required>

in an attempt at recording this generic password on submission - but no luck.

Anyone have a solution they could share or advice as to how to make this work?

Hi @Craig
What you have should work.
Do you get any error after the form submission?
Are you not able to log in with the users email address and MEMBER01 as password (after confirming email address)?

Thanks @Adam.Wilson
No the form submits nicely - just doesn’t seem to ‘record’ the password (doesn’t appear in the notification and unable to login using it).
How is the email confirmation supposed to work?
I’m not getting anything in regard to that (have checked ‘Junk’)?

@Adam.Wilson D’oh!.. ‘Send Confirm Email Confirmation’ was unchecked on the form settings. Thanks again for your help. All working nicely now.

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