So, after searching and searching the Custom Module settings in the Admin (and feeling like I’ve lost my mind), I finally just realized I can only duplicate a CM if the site plan is set to eCommerce. I tried to search the docs to see if it mentioned this difference between Pro/eComm, but I don’t see it anywhere. As a last attempt, I switched the site to eComm and boom - the Duplicate icon was back on the CM Settings.
Is this correct, do we have to upgrade from Pro to eComm, even if the site is not eComm, just to have access to the Custom Module’s duplicate feature? The price jump per month is fairly significant on the client, just so myself and my team can duplicate a CM… The “Plans and Features” chart only seems to show the difference for Pro v eComm relating to the actual eComm features. Even the (i) information popups appear the exact same Pro v eComm for CMs,as Pro says “advanced custom modules”. Please pardon my confusion, is it possible to get the duplicate CM feature included in the Pro plan, as it seems to be consistent with the Pro features? Apologies if I am simply missing something.