Resizing Image with Editor

Has anyone worked out how clients can insert images and have them not default to 300px width? It seems that when you insert an image the style=“width: 300px” is defaut.

Geez, you’re not wrong hey. And worse the only way to change the size is to drag the image handles or change html code… there is no button to “resize to original” :frowning:

To answer your question no sorry :frowning:

Treepl would have to code the editor accordingly.

@alex.n I have had numerous clients contact me about this recently. It is really not user friendly for clients wanting to make updates to their images on page. Is there anything that can be done to fix this?

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We will remove the default width from the images in the next release.


Thanks @Eugene. It would make more sense to have width default to 100% but ultimately we need a way that customers can adjust this easily when they are inserting an image.

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