Shipping options not showing in the shopping cart page

Hi Treepl forum, For some reason my shipping options are not showing on my shopping cart page.
I’ve followed the documentation and added:

<form action="#" class="system_form">
    {% assign destinationCountryCode = shoppingCartData.destinationCountry.code %}
    {% if  shoppingCartData.destinationCountry.code == "" or shoppingCartData.destinationCountry.code == null%}
    {% assign destinationCountryCode = shoppingCartData.domainCountry.code %}
    {% endif %}
    {% component type:"countries", collectionVariable:"" %}
    {% component type:"shipping_options", collectionVariable:"", filteredCountry:"{{destinationCountryCode}}" %}
    {% component type:"tax_codes", collectionVariable:"", filteredCountry:"{{destinationCountryCode}}" %}
    {% component type: "shippingProviderFields" %}

But it is not rendering my shipping options I have in the system, just another dropdown selecting the country.


I found each product needs to have shipping enabled for it to show shipping on the shopping cart page.

Each product has an “Enable Shipping” checkbox on the settings tab and it appears to be disabled by default.

Hope this helps,