Sidekick a browser for working

Hi everyone,

Im not sure if I’m allowed to put this here, but I thought it would help my fellow Treepl people.

If you hate working in browsers as much as me then you will love sidekick

Trust me its so awesome! Basically it’s like an admin portal for all of your admin portals / websites in chrome but its super fast, all your tabs are like webapps and the best of all sessions, where you save a workspace of tabs in a session like entertainment, development, design…etc and can open them all at once. I’m excited as ive been waiting for something like this for a while and it’s damn good so far. Check it out!


Hi @luke
Have no idea if it is “allowed” - I don’t think we have many “rules” here :slight_smile:
For me personally I really like the idea of partners sharing all kinds of tricks/software etc. :+1:

Do you use it for Treepl and how does it help, not quite sure I get what it really does.

It seems like the link contains a referral code - are there any advantages in using that? :slight_smile:

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It’s more of a browser that helps organise your tabs and keeps all your browser apps altogether and organised. It’s pretty quick too, and you don’t lose chrome either, as I think in some way it’s built off chrome.

Yeh, sorry, the link is a referral code that will give me free use if I get 20 people on it, but that’s not the only reason I’m sharing.

no referral on this one.

I thought you all would be interested since most would work in a browser daily.

No need to apologize - I don’t mind at all, was just curious what benefits it would have for you and the one signing up :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing @luke :+1: