Simplify secure zone password setup for new users

:rofl: I KNEW it :smiley:
Have to look harder :eyes:

All sites have system page /request-reset-password

By default it looks like

So you definitely can set it in that email campaign and any user can go there, paste their email and request password reset flow.

That seems like a good workaround for the time being.

It would be nice if we could include a link to the actual password setup page, rather than a page to request a password reset email.

The link to the reset password page is /reset-password.
In order for the link to be valid it should include a unique token that will allow to verify each customer and to reset his password. So there could not be a campaign with one same token for all customers in the mailing list.
That’s why there are currently only two ways to reset password:

  • Send campaign to reset password request page
  • Go through each customer in the admin and send password recovery email

The only thing I can suggest is to request via public backlog a feature that will be able to take a list of customers provided by the admin and send password recovery email to each customer in that list.

I’m setting up secure zones for the first time and am confused on the password setup process. I think what is being said is…

when clicking the “SEND LOGIN DETAILS” button from the CRM record you first have to send the user to’ /request-reset-password ’ where the user enters their email address only.

The user then gets sent another email that contains the ‘token’. They then click the link in that email that takes them to ‘/reset-password’ page where they can add a password.

I did try to bypass the first email but if you go straight to /reset-password you get taken to a 404 page.

Is this right?

Looks like the password is being updated but the user is taken to a 404 page. The form code is this:

form class=“system_form” action="/public/api/members/reset-password" method=“POST”

I thought I was getting 404 messages because I didn’t have a secure zone landing page but have now set that up and am still getting 404 page results when the form processes. How can I send the user to a valid page?

I found the solution for this. You need to add a hidden input field to the form.

<input type="hidden" name="redirectURL" value="/my-new-confirmation-page">

I’m still not sure why I’m getting 404 message on all the password reset forms though.