The "Update Item Form" does not seem to work

We have setup a site where members can publish and update their profiles in a Custom Module (Web App) environment.

Once they sign up and login to a secure zone they can create a listing using the form: <form action="/public/api/module-items/create" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

The process works.

The listing update form <form action="/public/api/module-items/update" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> does not pre populate the custom module item fields it seem to show the page title and content instead.

Is any one experiencing the same issue? What are we missing? Or is this a bug?

The default liquid tags in that form are setup as {{this.XXX}} so if your form code isn’t within the Custom Module item layout then the this scope won’t be correct (it’ll be for the page or other item you have it on).

If this is the case you’d need to update the tags to reference a collection for the item perhaps.

here is what we are using.

< form action="/public/api/module-items/update" method=“post” enctype=“multipart/form-data”>
< input type=“hidden” name=“ItemId” value="{{}}">
< input type=“hidden” name=“ModuleId” value=“1846”>
< input type=“hidden” name=“redirectURL” value="">

        <label>Title</label><br />
        <input class="form-control" type="text" name="prop_Title" value="{{this.Title}}">
        <label>Your Name</label><br />
        <input class="form-control" type="text" name="prop_Name" value="{{this.Name}} ">

And where is this form placed? on a page or within the Custom Module item’s detail layout?
For those tags to work as-is it would need to be in the detail layout.

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Understand, thank you.