Treepl Calendar not compat with certain browsers - Fix suggested

So from my testing it looks like the Default Treepl calendar is not compatible with with older browsers.
And i’m pretty sure I know why.

Looking into the layouts and the JS it looks like the module uses Custom Components.
However this spec is not compatible with older browsers or even IE11 or edge.

For those following along - a custom component example is, in this case:

as opposed to
<div id="treepl_calendar"></div>

While it looks pretty, its not very backwards compatible.

So I have 2 suggested fixes:

  1. Include the nessecery polyfills to enable this to work in current browsers.
  2. Change the layout to use divs

Happy to here a Treepl Dev’s thought on this.

Also side question for the Devs: Just curious, how did you register the custom component in the first place in the JS? I can’t see the calls anywhere… although it may be server side I guess. Its been a while since i looked in to the spec.

Treepl CMS and all it`s components do not support legacy browsers (such as IE11 and older), since ECMAScript6 is not supported by them.