UX Fix - Adding a new domain still shows "site activation" wording

When you add a second or additional domain in the partner portal the wording still taks about site activation ie.

" Site Activation
Follow these 3 steps to complete your website activation"

Might be worth changing the confusing wording to mention that it about adding an additional domain.

@James I have also just gone through the process and was a worried I was activating a new default domain. Very confusing!

I also wondered if the 2nd domain actually forwards, which is what I needed to happen, but there is no documentation explaining what the process of adding a 2nd domain actually does.

Happy if any one knows the answer and how to forward a domain in Treepl. :slight_smile:

Hi @DeanCraig. Adding additional domains assigns them to that site so that when you point the A records to Treepl servers it will resolve to your site.
So add the same A records values to the additional domains as you did to the primary domain.

I think by default it’ll go to your default home page unless you setup the domain landing page to be something different (under ‘Settings’ > ‘Domains’).

But if you have had Treepl setup a www redirect then this landing page feature won’t work and another approach needs to be taken.

Hi @Adam.Wilson

After hearing back from Violetta at Treepl support, it seems at this stage domain forwarding to the default domain needs to be configured by the Treepl Admin team. However it does first need to be added via an Treepl activation process under Domains in the Treepl Portal.

I hope this helps anybody with the same confusion as we had.