Youth Sports Team Template Suggestion

We would like to suggest an idea for a future template. Youth sports teams are very popular in the U.S. and I am sure in other parts of the world. Having a template for this would be a great starting point. The Treepl cms websites showcase page has a fantastic example of what one of these sites could look like (Vancouver United) and how all the modules Treepl has to offer is a perfect match for a site like this. Also many of these teams like to sell “team spirit wear” for a short period of time each season, so the soon to be introduced e-commerce system along with the advanced CRM makes Treepl a perfect match for a template like this.

Hey I can do a sports / soccer website template for y’all … hint hint nudge nudge


Hello @JFK . This is a great idea. We will make a sports template.
In the near future we will be releasing “Travel” and we`re working on Courses template at the moment.
If you have any ideas for templates, please contact us (or on the forum). The opinion of the Treepl community is important to us.

Thank you.

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