Data Source equivalent for selecting Content within Custom Module field?

That’s a good point @craigwhitlock. Currently, the Data Source property only allows us to reference from other Custom Modules. It would be good to be able to choose from system modules (including Pages) as well.

This discussion talks about a similar thing (although slightly different), but I think both methods would be useful:
File System API as data source?

I’d propose that the Data Source property be set up similar to how Categories can be enabled for Custom Modules. So by default, a Data Source would allow the selecting of any item in the system (Page, Blog, Event, and any Custom Module), but can then optionally be locked down to just one module for when greater control is needed.
I think that would cover all requirements, including this existing backlog item:

@Peter-Schmidt is there enough here to write this up as a backlog request?

Any other thoughts?
@craigwhitlock would this satisfy your requirements too or have I missed anything?

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